Saturday, April 15, 2023

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Teacher Blogging 101

Education blogging is a tool used by teachers to share various forms of information regarding their classroom. Some teachers use blogs to share what is going on in the class to parents, as well as share tips and tricks with other teachers. Not only is it helpful for teachers to learn from each other, but it can also be used as an additional form of income. Teachers may choose to share things such as lessons plans, worksheets, classroom management tips, product recommendations, and more. The possibilities are endless when it comes to things teachers can share about the classroom. Teachers use blogs as a resource for inspiration and ideas from other teachers, Blogs are seen as a win-win for teachers and parents in the educational system. 

This has proven true for me, as I have gotten to learn from my peers through their blogs. Haylie Lacy wrote about teacher salaries in her blog Education Hot Topics with Haylie. She shared the perspective that many teachers share that salaries are not conducive to comfortable living especially starting out. She made the argument that teachers are the ones that teach doctors and lawyers and other highly esteemed professions, so it is not far to give them such low salaries. From Kate Cofer's blog Everything Elementary I learned about the importance of looking for the origin of behavioral problems by really getting to know your students. I also got to learn about the importance of parental involvement in classrooms from Kalee Hampton's Parental Involvement blog. I love getting to learn from my peers as a look into what it might be like to learn from fellow teachers when I am a teacher in the future.

Whether you are blogging to earn some extra income or just to organize and keep record of ideas and experiences, I think blogging is extremely useful in the classroom. It helps teachers learn from each other and keep parents informed with what is going on in the classroom. Personally, I have enjoyed blogging because of the freedom that comes with it. Teachers have full control what they want to write about, and getting to choose content is not something that teachers get to do very often. Teachers are limited in the classroom with strict guidelines to what they can teach, but blogs serve as a creative outlet to share what they want to share. 


Monday, March 6, 2023

Forming Citizens Instead of Robots: Whole Child Approach to Education

Rather than creating and encouraging students to memorize and spit out information, teachers are leaning towards the whole child approach. This is an approach to education that emphasizes all aspects of a child when considering their education. A strategy developed by the ASCD in 2007 that allows students to reach their potential of future citizens. It does this by looking beyond typical standards of academic achievement in students, and considering the five tenets of health, safety, engagement, support, and challenge. These factors are important to consider in education, so teachers can recognize where students are coming from in their learning. In a whole child approach, teachers can better cater to what students need, and help them better reach their potential. A whole child approach to student success

The whole child approach ensures that students
will graduate school as valued citizens.
Personally, I believe that a whole child approach to education is much more beneficial than the alternative of only looking at academic achievement. I have been in classrooms of each, and I remember feeling more cared for, challenged, and encouraged in classes where my teacher was looking at my peers and myself holistically. When teachers took the time to get to know their students on a personal level, they were able to accommodate to us more effectively. I can recall one instance in fourth grade where my teacher, for the first time in all my education, got to know me better, and discovered an area that I had been struggling in my education with for years. I had been able to compensate for my struggles, so my achievement appeared that there was no issue, but the closer he looked into who I was as a student and person, the better he was able to see that my past teachers had missed something. I felt supported and cared for in this instance, and was able to reach my higher potential. Therefore, I believe that whole child teaching is the most effective way to approach a classroom of children coming from all different places.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Cyber Bullying Prevention Saves Lives

Illustration of a phone attacking a child to
represent the intensity of cyber-bullying
In an age where technology is at the fingertips of almost anyone around us, miss-uses of technology are bound to happen. One example being cyber-bullying. According to a reputable source, "cyber-bullying involves the use of information and communication technologies such as email, cell phone, and pager text messages, instant messages... to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others," (Keith and Martin). This type of bullying can occur over various technology platforms. Bullies hide behind the safe-net of their screens, often making the bullying even more intense. As schools continue to promote and integrate technology into education, it is important for them to understand and recognize cyber-bullying. Teachers must be prepared to teach students about cyber-bullying, how to prevent it, and what to do if they witness it. The reason this is such an important task for teachers is that cyber-bullying has huge implications. It can, and has ruined people's lives and driven them into serious mental-health states of concern. Because it is preventable, it is important for educators to be aware and take action against cyber-bullying.

I can recall my first recognized experience of cyber-bullying in just fourth grade. I was the victim of an attack made in a group chat that my peers did not think I was in. They said horrible things and made me feel small and unable to defend myself. Having words on a page made their words so hurtful and so easy to go back to over and over. As a leader for a high school ministry, I see cyber-bullying happen constantly, and have seen it shatter the hearts of high schoolers. Teenagers can easily say the most horrible things that they would never say to someone's face. I believe that cyber-bullying is one of the most urgent things for teachers to be trained in at this time. Education of cyber-bullying has the opportunity to save, and make lives so much better. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Classroom Management: The most critical factor of successful learning

Good classroom management allows students to work 
collaboratively away from their desks as pictured here.
No one wants to be in a classroom where the teacher is constantly flustered, unorganized, and unable to retain student focus. Chances are, you have been in this type of learning environment, and chances are, you did not enjoy it. These are the unfortunate realities of classrooms of teachers that neglect to practice classroom management strategies. Classroom management is an effective way to engage with and meet the needs of students. It provides an opportunity for academic engagement from students by first creating a positive learning environment. Learning and growth of students is fostered through a certain level of organization from teachers. Classroom management allows teachers to be prepared at all times to always keep students engaged even when things do not go according to plan. It is important for teachers to learn how to effectively manage a classroom so not to lead to stress and burnout. When teachers feel like they do not have control of their classroom, they want to quit. The retention rate of new teachers is extremely low compared to other professions, likely due to the lack of understanding of classroom management. This is why classroom management is such a crucial part of teaching. 

Classroom management is something I have seen done really well and really poorly. When I think about my favorite teachers growing up, I think about the ones that always had a plan, gave clear instructions, and catered to what we needed as students. A class full of students of any age is hard to manage, but I admire the teachers that could recognize how students were feeling, and adjust their plans accordingly. I did not think much of it as a student, but thinking about when teachers were able to troubleshoot because of technology or other challenges, I recognize how difficult this can be and have a new appreciation for their classroom managing skills. Their ability to retain our focus and remain calm in stressful situations are qualities that made my learning more successful. I hope that through educating myself on classroom management techniques, that I can become skilled in this field like the teachers I admire so much.

Photosynthesis Digital Storyboard

 Here is my photosynthesis digital storyboard! Hope you enjoy!