Illustration of a phone attacking a child to represent the intensity of cyber-bullying |
In an age where technology is at the fingertips of almost anyone around us, miss-uses of technology are bound to happen. One example being cyber-bullying. According to a reputable source, "cyber-bullying involves the use of information and communication technologies such as email, cell phone, and pager text messages, instant messages... to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others," (
Keith and Martin). This type of bullying can occur over various technology platforms. Bullies hide behind the safe-net of their screens, often making the bullying even more intense. As schools continue to promote and integrate technology into education, it is important for them to understand and recognize cyber-bullying. Teachers must be prepared to teach students about cyber-bullying, how to prevent it, and what to do if they witness it. The reason this is such an important task for teachers is that cyber-bullying has huge implications. It can, and has ruined people's lives and driven them into serious mental-health states of concern. Because it is preventable, it is important for educators to be aware and take action against cyber-bullying.
I can recall my first recognized experience of cyber-bullying in just fourth grade. I was the victim of an attack made in a group chat that my peers did not think I was in. They said horrible things and made me feel small and unable to defend myself. Having words on a page made their words so hurtful and so easy to go back to over and over. As a leader for a high school ministry, I see cyber-bullying happen constantly, and have seen it shatter the hearts of high schoolers. Teenagers can easily say the most horrible things that they would never say to someone's face. I believe that cyber-bullying is one of the most urgent things for teachers to be trained in at this time. Education of cyber-bullying has the opportunity to save, and make lives so much better.